All group members attended the Bioinorganic Chemistry Winter Symposium in Gyeongju. Wonjung successfully presented at the Symposium!
Congratulations! Jueun received the Top Student Award.
Taewaen and Wonjung successfully presented at the ERC Symposium!
Seungdeok, Daeun and Hoechan successfully presented in the 2024 Winter Internship Conference.Congratulations! Hoechan won the excellence award.
All group members visited Damyang with Prof. Michael J. Rose (University of Texas at Austin)
All members visited Gwangju-KIA Champions Field on the GIST Name Day.
We had a great time at our workshop!
All group members attended the KCS meeting in Suwon.
Happy Birthday, HCL group members!
The 2nd workshop was held. Great time to discuss our research topics.
Y. Baek, J. Seo (PI), J. Lee, D. Um, T. Lim, S. Song, J. Lee, W. Lee, S. Seenivasan, P. Sakthivel
Group dinner in Indian restaurant
All group members attended the KECS meeting in Jeju
Seungjin, Jaewhan, Hyeonjeong, Jueun, Wonjung, Donghyeon, Hyoyi
The 1st workshop was held. Great time to discuss our research topics.
Junhyeok (PI), Seungjin, Jaewhan, Wonjung, Bala, Dongwan, Jueun, Hyeonjeong, Donghyeon
Group dinner in a barbecue place
Organometallic symposium was held at SNU to celebrate Prof Chung's retirement (M.Sc. advisor of Prof Seo)
Junhyeok (PI), Jaewhan, Seungjin, Seunghyun, Jueun, Minjun
All group members attended the QCR Kick-off Symposium. Congratulations! Wonjung received the Best Poster Presentation Award.
All group members attended the 134th KCS meeting in Daegu.
Donguk successfully presented at the G-SURF!
Yujin, Congrats on your graduation!
We exchanged Christmas gifts and had a delightful time together!
Congratulations! Taewaen received the Best Research Award and Yujin received the Outstanding Teaching Assisstant Award.
All group members attended the 132nd KCS meeting in Gwangju.
Seungjin and Jaeheon, Congrats on your graduation!
Farewell party for Daeyong and Subhash
Congratulations! Jueun won the excellence award at the 2023 GIST Fame Lab.
Congratulations! Wonjung and Seungjin won the Bronze prize at the 29th Samsung Humantech Paper Award.
All group members attended the KCS meeting in Gyeongju.
All group members attended the KCS meeting in Jeju.
Congratulations! Wonjung and Dongwan received the best presentation award at the 127th KCS meeting.
Seungjin, Donghyeon, Junhyeok (PI), Hyeonjeong, Wonjung, Dongwan, Jueun, Hyoyi
Seungjin, Hyeonjeong, Wonjung, Hyoyi, Jaeheon, Junhyeok (PI), Donghyeon, Seongmu, Dongwan, Jueun
Junhyeok (PI), Jueun, Hyeonjeong, Jaewhan, Seongmu, Bala, Wonjung, Donghyeon, Seungjin, Dongwan, Hyoyi
Seungjin and Jaewhan successfully presented at the KCS spring meeting in Suwon.
Minchul, Jueun, Donghyeon, Minjong, Jaewhan, Bala, Hyeonjeong, Wonjung, Seungjin, Junhyeok (PI)
Junhyeok (PI), Jaewhan, Bala, Seungjin, Jueun, EunJeong, Wonjung, Neetu
Junhyeok (PI), Jaewhan, Seungjin, Moogun, EunJeong, Truc